Friday, May 04, 2007

Opisina ng mga madre sa Negros ni-raid ng mga police; Repeal Anti-Terror Act (a.k.a. Human Security Act)

May 3, 2007

Another KMP member missing, peasant advocates’ center raided!

The militant Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) and the ANAKPAWIS party list group condemned the abduction of another KMP member in Cagayan and the raid of the center of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP).

According to Ka Willy Marbella, internal deputy secretary general of KMP and ANAKPAWIS party list nominee, “Last April 26 Alan Bumanglag, in his 40s and a member of Kagimungan, the Cagayan chapter of KMP was taken by the military to the 17th Infantry Battalion camp in Tanglagan, Gattaran, Cagayan. He was interrogated for hours and was allowed to go home at around 2pm. But he was followed by three men from the camp and he has not been able to go home since then,”

Meanwhile Sr. Pat Fox, the national coordinator of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) a Mission Partner of the AMRSP and a staunch supporter of KMP , said they “condemn the illegal break in of the RMP Center in Bago City, Negros Occidental last April 26. Around 5pm, 8 armed men in civilian clothes claiming to be from the Bago Police, surrounded our Center. The men demanded the key on the pretext that they were looking for a murderer. They had no reason to suspect the person was there and no search warrant. Upon being denied the key, one of the men forced open a window, entered and searched inside. The men took videos of the Center and its surroundings and asked the names of the Sisters who visited the Center before they left, belying their real motive,”

“The RMP Center is primarily used for education and trainings of the local women farmers in basic health. It is also used by them for faith sharings and other trainings when needed. The incident caused great fear in the women who participate in the activities of this Center. They reported the incident to the Bago Police who denied knowing anything about this,” the religious peasant advocate added

“The RMP is concerned that warrantless searches such as happened in our Center may become regular occurrences of the government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, especially with the implementation of the Human Securities Act. We therefore call on all people of good will to stand up for human rights and defend civil liberties. We call for a thorough investigation into and punishment of the perpetrators of this illegal break in in Negros ,” said Fox.

“It is obvious that the Macapagal-Arroyo regime is trying to cow the KMP and its supporters into abandoning the struggle for genuine land reform and for a more just society, but they will be disappointed. More and more farmers will join our ranks because they see that we are really working for their welfare. Tomorrow we are also asking everyone to join the rally for Jay-jay Burgos and other victims of this fascist regime,” ended Marbella.

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