Civil Liberties Monitoring committee, India
Amber pet, Hyderabad, A.P, India, 500013
Phone:-09391051586, Fax:-040-27403392, Email: -clmci@hotmail
People and Mass organizations, come forward
to protect the life of Lateef Mohd Khan
Civil liberties monitoring committee express its deep concern over the
failure of govt for providing protection to life of Lateef Mohd Khan.
(Secretery.CLMC). CLMC, has done all the formalities Registering
complain in Amberpet Police station, a memorandum submitted through fax to the
governer, chief Minister, Home Minister, DGP, commissioner of Police.
Complain also registered in State human right commission. Mrs Rayees
fatima wife of Lateef mohd khan sent the telegrammed to the Chief justice
of A.P with a request to intervene and pray the chief justice to
“kindly save the life of my husband and to direct the authorities to provide
sufficient protection to my husband lateef Mohd khan.”
State human right commission conducted the emergency meeting and passed
the order that The director General of police is directed to afford
necessary protection to the lives of lateef mohd khan and his family
members, and also directed to take the necessary action against person who
made such threatening calls.
But till date no action has been taken and nor the protection is
provided. President CLMC requested so many times to governor office for
appointment to present the matter before him, but still there is no response
from the governor’s office.
It is a matter of great concerned that after providing all threaten
call phone and cell numbers and tracing out of numbers i.e. 08728259643,
08549273693, 08549273344, 08414223565, 9441118250, police and govt
failed to arrest the culprits.
The person who threatens was speaking in fluent Telugu and introduced
him self-first as Rasool Khan of Pakistan Talwar, and then after
Bharath Talwar.
He threatened to stop talking on issues related to civil liberties, and
to stop conducting press conferences and issuing statements to media,
particularly on and against the mujeeb’s issue, further caller also
warned to lateef mohd khan to resign from civil liberties and its
activities with in four days, he threaten if Lateef mohd khan failed to fulfill
their demands they will kill lateef Mohd Khan and his family and will
make pieces of the bodies.
Lateef Mohd Khan is working for the protection of human rights, civil
liberties, social justice and welfare of down trodden people with out
any discrimination under the banner of CIVIL LIBERTIES MONITORING
COMMITTEE, INIDA, he is a well known person, recently in a press conference he
condemn the custodial violence and Israeli methods of torturing and
criticized the elements responsible for the same, and he also criticizes
the govt for the release of mujeeb and a politician and police behind
its. He demanded the judicial enquiry to expose the nexus in-between
govt, police and mafia groups.
The persons who threaten have given 4 days time, which is completed
today; inspite of so many efforts govt didn’t response and not provided
any protection to lateef Mohd Khan.
Hence Iam herewith appeal with the people and mass organization to come
forward to protect the lives of Lateef mohd Kahn and his family. At
this high time mass organization should come forward to protect the civil
liberties and democratic rights, Iam reminding the duty of mass
organizations to break the silence for the greater cause of humanity,
democracy, and to uphold the secular values
Dr.Rehana Sultana
President CLMC
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